“Midwives are the most appropriate primary health care providers to be assigned to the care of normal birth.”
- World Health Organization
v Midwives have been around for centuries and were the primary care givers for prenatal care, labor, and delivery.
v Midwives are primarily used for low-risk births, and practice a more natural birthing method.
v Certification:
o Lay-Midwife: Is an uncertified midwife who is trained through apprenticeship and self-education.
o DEM: Direct -Entry Midwives can be trained in a variety of ways. Self-study, formal education, apprenticeship, etc. They usually practice independently.
o CM: Certified Midwives posses at least a bachelor’s degree and are certified by the
o CPM: Certified Professional Midwives is trained in midwifery and meets practice standards of the North American Registry of Midwives.
o CNM: Certified Nurse-Midwives are trained and certified in nursing and midwifery. They possess at least a bachelor’s degree and are certified by the
v Benefits of Having a Midwife:
o Give you a more natural approach to childbirth
o Let you make many decisions
o Lower Maternal Costs
o Give you a relaxed environment to have your baby
o Less technical interventions
v Great Websites for more information:
o Find a midwife at: www.birthpartners.com
o Find a midwife in
o More Info: www.americanpregnancy.org
v What is a doula (from dona.org)?
o The word doula comes from the ancient Greek meaning “woman’s servant.”
o A doula, as described by DONA International is a “knowledgeable, experienced companion – who stays with them (the mother) through labor, birth and beyond.”
o There are different types of doulas.
§ Birthing Doula assists you through you before, during, and just after labor and delivery. The give you physical and emotional support and education during that time.
§ Postpartum Doulas assist you after your birth in whatever ways you need. Their primary role is educating you after you’ve had the baby, and making you feel comfortable, healthy, and confident as a new mother.
v How much does a doula cost?
o The cost of a doula depends on her training and location. The range is $300-$1000. The average is about $500. If you live in a big city, obviously the price will increase. Several doulas will negotiate a price to fit your wants and needs.
v What are the benefits of a doula (from dona.org)?
o tends to result in shorter labors with fewer complications
o reduces negative feelings about one’s childbirth experience
o reduces the need for pitocin (a labor-inducing drug), forceps or vacuum extraction
o reduces the requests for pain medication and epidurals, as well as the incidence of cesareans
v Great Websites for more Information:
o www.dona.org –Learn about and find a doula here