Every woman has different ways she deals with pain. A friend of mine had an all natural birth for her three children because she has an extreme fear of needles. Another friend said that the epidural is the best thing that ever happened to pregnant woman. Whatever your feelings about medications, needles, natural vs. medicated, its important to be well educated about all of your options.
Epidural Block
- This seems to be the drug of choice now for laboring women.
- This form of anesthesia removes most feeling from the lower half of the body
- Women report feeling more pressure rather than pain
- This form of anesthesia may be used during a c-section
- It is inserted into the back through a large needle or epidural catheter.
- Can cross to the placenta
- The spinal block is much like an epidural in the fact that it numbs the same parts of the body except it does not last as long as the epidural
- The spinal block only lasts about 1-2 hours and is administered right before birth.
- can cross to the placenta
- Local anesthesia is given during an episiotomy or if bad tearing occurs.
- It is injected right into the skin or muscle
- This form on anestesia does not affect the baby
- This is given shortly before delivery to block the pain the perineum may experience
- It is injected into the pudendal nerve
- Safe, side effects are rare.
I was interviewing my Grandma for my women's health class a few weeks ago and we got to talking about the children she delivered. She said that her mom had told her not to think of labor and delivery as "pain" but as the "work" that she had to go through in order to have the baby. I thought it was a great paradigm shift.