You have had a great pregnancy, with virtually no complication; except for your battle with nausea every morning the first trimester! Your pregnancy was exciting and the much anticipated arrival will have everything he or she needs due to generous baby shower gifts, and craigslist finds. Your pregnancy was great, and you were so happy to have you baby. A couple days later you come home from the hospital, and that's when it happens. You cry for no reason, you don't feel like an adequate mother, you can't eat and can't sleep for fear of not tending to the baby's needs. To you, life is over as you know it.
Today, approximately 70-80% of women suffer from what is known as the "baby blues" The baby blues is the most mild form of post partum depression. It normally starts 3-4 days after the baby is born and can last about 2-3 weeks. This form of depression does not need you to seek medical attention and does not require antidepressants. Most of the time the baby blues are do to hormonal changes happening in your body and the stress that comes with taking care of a new baby.
There are three other types of depression under the post partum depression umbrella, they are: Post Partum Anxiety, Post Partum Depression, and Post Partum Psychosis. I will be explaining about each in greater detail in upcoming posts.
For now, has anyone had the baby blues? If you feel comfortable, share your thoughts!
Oh yes. I had baby blues. It's just... a feeling of the FINALITY of creating a person. The eternal consequences are on your shoulders and you just can't handle it. I cried every day for a couple weeks, SOBBED daily. It was wild. I was so so so so happy, yet so so so so scared all at once. It was weird. Very surreal.